- November 09, 2016 /
- 6 Reasons Why Defensive Driving Can Save Your Life /
- By Suzanne Carlton /
Most people feel strongly about their safety. When this concern is translated to driving, the initial thing to do would be to get a vehicle that has passed safety standards and if not the safest in the market. Despite the fact that we are very careful and are aware of driving risks, still we do not take notice that our driving abilities also need safety updates just as our vehicles do.
This is where Defensive Driving Courses come in. Defensive Driving is the combination of practical and theoretical lessons on actual on-road safety skills that emphasize proactive driving. This method recognizes that safe driving is dependent on behavior, attitude, awareness, motivation and skill. All these details combined with hazard detection, vehicle safety, practical learning, vehicle dynamics, key road laws total to being a defensive driver with personal and external safety in mind at all times.
For some, it may seem boring to read and participate in an activity where you can learn how to utilize a skill that can be very beneficial to you and the people around you. But when it comes to caring for your safety and the safety of others, the appreciation of the Defensive Driving Class becomes clearer.
How can Defensive Driving Can Save Your Life?
Attitude and Behavior: Most people who are involved in car crashes are ordinary people like me and you. A large number of collision casualties are profiled to be ordinary individuals with a regular license at the most. One reason tantamount to this common result is complacency, the tendency to underestimate how dangerous driving can be. A defensive driving course touches on behavior and how beneficial it is on the road. It replaces complacency with awareness and vigilance.
Vehicle Safety: Learn vehicle safety by integrating a checklist of the automobile prior to leaving. A well geared running machine is as safe as a train.
Hazard Detection: Defensive driving courses will enhance your ability to detect hazards. Hazard detection is the skill of reading ahead and identifying hazards before they even happen.
Practical Learning: Experiencing a situation hands on in the course delves into understanding the association between reaction time, speed and stopping distances.
Skill: The lessons are not limited to driving skills alone but the overall skill of driving and maneuvering safely before and during an accident. This includes a better comprehension of skid sources and vehicle instability.
Motivation and Awareness: The drive for safety is reinforced by the awareness of road safety, and being aware is winning half the battle in the quest for road safety.
Defensive Driving McDonough, GA
Driving Defensive Class McDonough, Ga
Suzanne Carlton